Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ch 7 Rethinking

Reading this chapter worried me a little because I do agree with what the author is saying. Because technology is going to be such a big part of the education system in the future, those who are lower income or immigrants or minorities will not be able to access this technology or internet as easily as others. Even today, we can see this. Those with lower income or are of a minority group, sometimes do have a lower access rate to technology today. This worries me because I feel that students who do not have access to this stuff might start feeling like they are failures or might cast themselves out from their peers.

As a future educator, I will try to give students as much access as possible to these technologies. In doing so, it will allow the students to try their best and have the interaction that they need. I will try my best to have all students be treated equally with technology.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ch 8 BWP

With the new technologies, many things are available to use in the classroom such as podcasting, video and screencasting, and lve streaming. These tools would be wonderful to use in the classroom. I have heard of podcasting before, but never used it myself. I hear alot of good remarks about podcasting because it allows the students to interact with other students in a different way - over the internet via radio. Another aspect that I did not know about podcasting was that it is available through iTunes. I am not much of an Apple person, but do use their iTunes for some things that I have. I will have to go look at that.

Video and screencasting are also important because the students will eventually be using this sometimes in their future. It is nice to have them learn how to multi-task and use the different tools to show others how to do something.

Live streaming is also something that is gettiing popular, however, I am not sure if I would use this in my classroom with primary elementary students.

I will incorporate a lot of technology into my classroom when I start teaching, but will be picky about it just because I will be working with young children. i am a technology person and LOVE to do anything with technology!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10-21-2010 Exit Slip

I know how to use a SmartBoard because of work, but to actually use the tools is another story. I learned about the many different types of tools that are available to use on the SmartNotebook tool.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 6 Rethinking

I see what the author sees with the location of schools. In the beginning of time when apprenticeship was desired, the children learned mainly from home. However, when the Industrial revolution hit, and children started going into schools to learn the core contents that all children should learn.Now, children can learn anywhere. Children can now go anywhere and have access to the internet, which is where many of the learning is now. Even if they are at a school or home location, they still can learn anywhere.

My stance on technology has not changed even after reading how technology made good and bad changes. I still believe that the future is in technology and that the students are doing nothing, but getting themselves ready for their lives and future in the workforce. As an educator, I would teach what the students need to learn, but let them "loose" and explore how to learn on their own from home or from another location. These kinds of things would be projects or research papers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chapter 7 BWP

Flickr is something that should be used in the classroom as a resource for teachers, communication for parents and research for students. As teachers, we can use flickr to share photos or images of projects that we have created with students so that others can see what we did and use it for their own classrooms. It could also be the other way around. Other teachers could post pictures of what they made in their classroom and it could possibly get us thinking in the same boat and create our own. Also, we as teachers can post what we do daily, pictures of students working on  projects or pictures of field trips so that the parents can see what their child is doing at school.

As a parent, my child comes home from school and says she did "nothing" at school that day, however, I know that they did something - so this is a way for parents to see what the children are "actually" doing.

Students can use flickr as a wonderful resource for pictures. If anything is ever needed in a project, students can go and find many different pictures of the same place or same things.

I believe that flickr is a wonderful tool to use as an educator.  It should be used in every classroom. I will definitely use this for myself and for my students.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14/2010 Exit Slip

Today, I learned about Scratch and how I can use it to create an iRLO. I am very excited to start this project as soon as I can! I was also able to hear what others thought of the different kinds of learning from the chapter this week.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ch 5 Rethinking

I believe that children who are home-schooled do score better on standardized tests because they do not have as many distractions as those who do attend public schools. However, I am very against the idea of home schooling because I feel that these children are being contained in one place and not meeting the "social" standards of today's society. They do not have the same socialization skills as those who do attend a public school.

My favorite part of this chapter was the Adult Learning. I find it interesting that adults, especially, retirees are wanting to return to school to learn new things. I would love to teach in one of these classes because I see it as a great learning opportunity. These adults are wanting to learn, which make the teacher want to teach the class. It is not like other schooling, where the students have to take the course. In these type of classes, the students have a bad attitude about what they are doing and learning. These classes are the classes that would be less fun to teach.

As a mom, I allow my children to watch educational television and videos such as: Sesame Street, Super Why, and Baby Genius. There are many other educational TV shows and videos out there, depending on the age group and what you want them to retain. These are the few that I allow my daughters to watch because I feel that these are beneficial to their learning. As a result of these shows, my oldest has learned her ABC's and 123's by the age of 3. It is amazing as to what these educational TV shows, videos and music can do.

Ch 4 Rethinking

Before reading this chapter, I thought of these changes as small changes. But to my surprise, schools have changed dramatically over time. I personally have never realized how materials and things were added to the education system over time. It was interesting to read "The Evolution of a School System." Like I stated before, how materials evolved over time is amazing. I could not possibly think of how a school system could function without "tests" or "grades".

I found the fact that education was once the responsibility of the parents and transferred to the state and now back to the parents was also interesting. I never looked at it this way because I always thought it was the responsibility of the state. I guess the reasoning behind my thinking is because that is what I have always known since I started school. I now see how education has changed - from apprenticeship where literacy was not important to technological schooling where literacy and technology is the sole in education.

Chapter 6 BWP

The social web has made a big impact on how we learn and teach in today's society. There are many things out there that has made these impact. The popular one right now is Twitter. Many people use Twitter to see what other people are "tweeting" about. Twitter is something that grows quickly within minutes or within days. Depending on what your tweeting about and who is following you, it will either grow rapidly or slowly.

Delicious is another service that has impacted technology as a whole. Before, I saved webpages that were of interest to me on my web browser's bookmarks. When I needed to know a site, but was away from home, it was difficult to obtain that information. Now, with Delicious, I can save web pages onto my account and access it anywhere. This is the mobility that I, personally, have been looking for in my many ways.

In my future classroom, I would probably not allow the students to use these social booking  tools because of their age, but I would use it myself to keep my online pages in order. I most likely would use Twitter and tweet with others in the education field. This way, I will see what others are doing and what questions others have.

Chapter 5 BWP

As an educator, I would definitely use RSS. I believe that to be a the best teacher I can be, I need to be up to date with the gadgets, materials and news about education. To do this, I would be subscribing to RSSs to keep my job a little easier. I would not have to go through the many sites to see what is the most up to date information or objects used in the classroom. Since I am aiming to become an elementary teacher, I will probably need this to keep updated on the different classroom books and materials to help make students successful.

For the classroom, I would probably not have students use this because primary elementary students are too young to know how to use RSS feeds and keep up with it. I would possibly use blogging and wikis, but not RSSs in the classroom.

Chapter 4 BWP

After reading this chapter on Wikis, I feel that I use it daily. For my future classroom, depending on the grade that I will be teaching, I would use it. It's an interactive tool for the students, teachers and parents to communicate and post any kind of news in the classroom. If I was to teach younger students, I would post my daily or weekly newsletters to update the parents as to what we are doing in class. This is good because parents can communicate with me if needed. If I was to teach intermediate elementary, I would have wikis to have the students comment or change things to fit their needs or their thinking. Wikis is a very good tool to use in the classroom, but I have to make sure that I seek permission from parents before doing so.

I am amazed at how fast these wikis grow over very little time. In such little time, many people have edited or added information to express their comments or concern or to make information on the wiki more accurate. This is such a wonderful tool to use overall, in and out of the classroom.